Maywood Community SDA Church

If God is for us, then who can be against us!

Children's Ministry

Our mission

The mission of Children’s Ministries is to reach out to children and draw them into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus Christ and with their church; and to train, resource, and support those who minister to children. To provide all children, regardless of scio-economic or cultural background, an opportunity to know and love Jesus Christ.


How we serve: 

  1. 1). Offer training, resources, and support for those who teach and lead children at church.
  3. 2). Hold conventions across the Lake Region Conference territory
  5. 3). Develop resources to supplement the General Conference Sabbath School curriculum, Vacation    Bible School, Children’s Church, and Children’s Sabbath.

Goals of Children’s Ministries: 

In response to Christ’s mandate to feed His lambs, the goal of the North American Division Children’s Ministries Department is to empower and resource those at every level who engage in ministry to children, so as to develop:


  1. 1). Relational ministries, in which volunteers understand children and help them, form a friendship with  Jesus that is based on the gospel elements of grace, worship, community, and service.
  3. 2). Inclusive ministries, so that both the volunteers who minister and the children to whom they      minister will be valued and involved, regardless of race, skin color, language, gender, age, or    socioeconomic circumstances.
  5. 3). Informed ministries, so that trained personnel, understanding the mission and methods and having  the resources for effective ministry, mobilize for children’s outreach and nurture.
  7. 4). Professional ministries networks that empower those who minister to children to encourage, inform,  train, and empower each other for effective ministry to children.
  9. 5). Cooperative ministries that join with family, youth, Pathfinder, and personal ministries, as well as  with stewardship, Sabbath School, ADRA, and pastoral ministries to effectively fulfill the mission of the  church.

Related Information

Ministries Adventurers Club Community Service Men's Ministry Pathfinders Sabbath School Women's Ministries Youth Ministries