Our Focus Is On Winning Lost Souls To Jesus Christ! We Are Reminded Of Jeremiah 31:3 NIV: The Lord Appeared To Him From Afar, Saying, "I Have Loved YOU With An Everlasting Love; Therefore, I Have Drawn YOU With Loving kindness." God Is Love! As In The Words Of The Songstress, Dionne Warwick, "What The World Needs Now Is Love; It's The Only Thing That There's Just Too Little Of..."
I just want to encourage someone today and let you know that no matter what you are going through; what you may have done (even if it's repeatedly), God is standing here to save your soul. You and I had already been forgiven for our sins when Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the whole world. His out stretched arms are waiting for you to acknowledge that you want to make things right with Him. There's nothing you can do, or has ever done that could make Him stop loving you!
You are reading this right now because God's love directed you to this page. Ask Jesus to come into your heart so you can accept Him as your Saviour and Lord. Only the Love of the Lord God Almighty has the power and authority to forgive you for all your sins and cleanse your heart from all unrighteousness.
You are on this page by a Divine appointment (not by coincident) from the Lord. Please take a leap of faith today, to make a choice to allow the Lord's will to be done in your life. You will be granted to have eternal life and live with Him forever! God Bless You!